Monday, November 19, 2007

One month gone and three dates

The road hasn’t been smooth. I have succumbed and joined the ciggie lepers in my high stress moments.
I considered ringing the advice line one day, and changed my mind because it felt silly. None of my friends called the advice line to stop smoking, and not only this, I do wonder if the people on the other side are ex smokers or if they are smoker Nazis.
I had three dates: with smokers.

It didn’t help my will power one little bit.

Their names are Jason, Tim and Ben. I'll elaborate a little later.


Iron Pugilist said...

Hi. Just read through some recent blog additions in a community and stumbled upon yours.

Silly as this may sound from a younger person, I do understand how difficult it is to quit smoking. The first three to six months were hell for me and chest pains and cough were part of the cleansing process. But hey, no one expects anyone to totally quit overnight (though I did cold turkey and didn't have a fag for seven months).

About losing to some young head-turner, we both know she probably pulled a few strings (possibly a few penises too). Let's just hope for the best in the next opportunity.

Didi said...

hey iron, i'm pretty late in the piece here. it's damn hard, i'll say I didn't stick to my new year resolution

Iron Pugilist said...

Oh wow! And I thought you've abandoned your blog!

C'mon let's read those stories.