Monday, January 28, 2008

Another day another dollar

This year has been so stupid.

My resolution failed. I still enjoy the puff, or I did, but it’s become more of a stress outlet than an Audrey Hepburn Breakfast at Tiffany’s thing.

I took a long break over the month of December, and I didn’t go anywhere. I did the average things, hang at Bondi, and waste a ton of money eating lunch, having coffee and shopping, and weeks later I returned to work to find that the group marketing manager hired a new member, someone he knows. Now this isn’t strange. This happens in spite of EEO practices being posted on all company Intranet sites.

I thought I’d be the person groomed to be a marketing executive in a year, after working as an assistant for close to two but it was:

“Didi, meet the new marketing executive, Ian.”

I knew it to be bad because Ian was giving me the up and down once over. The same look that guys give girls in pubs and clubs or the is she fuckable inspection. He made me sick, him in his new suit and number two haircut. He even wore a leather cuff on his left hand. I don’t know what that means, but I do know that Ian knows my bosses daughter.

Weeks later, it’s January, and I have Ian oversee everything, even stuff that never needed approval. He calls my extension, asks me to enter his office, to ask me stupid things - wasting my time. He has access to marketing figures. He’s the first to receive them, and he fucking asks me to interpret them when it’s his job. He is supposed to do marketing meeting presentations, but so far has made me do his work for him, and the thing is if something doesn’t happen for him to resign, I’ll be forced to work under him until I find something else. It’s catch 22. I study two days a week and I am supposed to learn on the job. Ian is an idiot, knows nothing, and I fear that I’ll learn nothing in the space of three years, or until I finish my course, and be at a disadvantage. If I leave the company, I fear I am going to be under qualified, even in my lowly position, to be accepted anywhere else.

I fucking hate Ian.


Iron Pugilist said...

I don't want to say that I know how you feel, because it's really no consolation, but I can relate and only offer to hope for the best. I do understand that a lot of fuckwits get ahead in life because of the people they know or are related to, as well as the asses they kiss or cocks they suck.

I myself am currently in the limbo of career progression, doomed to watch people less competent than I get what they want.

We'll have our day, Didi. They'll get theirs.

I hope.

Didi said...

I hope so too Iron.

It's annoying though. Some days I laugh at the absurd bullshit, and other days it's mind bending.

Iron Pugilist said...

At least you still get to laugh. I get an inch away from becoming the next mass murdering disgruntled employee.